Consider the Kimpossibilities

A record of my personal flaws: internet addiction, child neglect & endangerment, and bitchiness. p.s. Most of this is LIES and whatever isn't a lie is exaggeration.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Grammar Alert

Ummmmmm, how come no one told me there was a grammar error in my birth story post? People, the use of the first person "I" as the object of a preposition is an overcompensation tactic. One I pride myself in NEVER failing to edit out of my writing. And as I read back through my post, there it was, sitting there glaring at me just like a big ugly mean English teacher. Just like Mrs. Risher, my first grade teacher who, when I asked the meaning of the word spelled "b-e-t-w-e-e-n," which I read and pronounced in my little six-year-old head as "BETT-ween." The question was on a Red-level Concepts card ... the reading was about the Earl of Sandwich:

What did the Earl of sandwich have in the middle of his bread?
(a) ham
(b) between
(c) crust
(d) fur

Sweet little Kimmy, pointing to letter (b): "Mrs. Risher, I think the answer is (b), but what does that word mean?"

Big ugly mean teacher: "Buh-twEEn? You mean buh-twEEn? You think the Earl of Sandwich put buh-twEEn in the middle of his bread?"

Sweet Kimmy: "Oh, no ma'am. I understand now."

Where are my big ugly mean READERS when I need you? My reputation is at stake, people!

And p.s. I have fixed the problem.

and p.p.s. My parents are here. And my dad has already cleared the room twice not from farting; rather, from announcing his opinions on how the President is going to save New Orleans and how they needed this to clean up the politicians there and get some good decent republicans in that Catholic state! And my mom has been going on and on about how Goose is now a year old and how that is entirely too old to get that picture made that she wanted me to get made when we were home last but it was just too hectic and now none of those white gowns that Kathy Stevens has in her photography studio will fit him anymore because you have to do those mother/child, everybody's-wearing-white pictures done BEFORE they get into size 18-month clothes.


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