Antibiotics, Probiotics, & Prozac
Warning: This post contains highly NEGATIVE energy.
I have been diagnosed with a bacterial infection in my left tonsil. According to my doctor, I probably got Goose's croup virus, which then turned into a bacterial infection. So now I'm on antibiotics. And probiotics. And I think I'm in need of some Prozac as well because this baby is about to make me jump off a high bridge.
All he does is whine. He just whines and whines and whines. And that's it. Occasionally he laughs at something. Sometimes he'll watch a video or read a book or stack the rings or play with a puzzle. But mostly he just whines. We have to avoid opening the refrigerator or dishwasher when he is in the kitchen because he has a back-arching temper tantrum unless allowed to plunder through the appliances and pluck out everything. He especially likes the ketchup bottle, spoons, and bottle nipples.
Everyday I say to myself, "OK, today I'm going to interact with him in such a patient, loving way that he won't get bored and whiney." But at about 4:00 p.m. I'm out of ideas and convinced that he must be hurting somewhere since nothing else works to quell his dissatisfaction, and I give him a dose of Tylenol. I don't know what else to do. I am considering getting a second job just to pay for him to be in daycare because I cannot deal with his whining. Is this normal? Him, not me ... I know that I am not normal. Moms out there, please give me some advice!
ION ...
Well, there IS no other news. Happy freakin' Thursday.
I have been diagnosed with a bacterial infection in my left tonsil. According to my doctor, I probably got Goose's croup virus, which then turned into a bacterial infection. So now I'm on antibiotics. And probiotics. And I think I'm in need of some Prozac as well because this baby is about to make me jump off a high bridge.
All he does is whine. He just whines and whines and whines. And that's it. Occasionally he laughs at something. Sometimes he'll watch a video or read a book or stack the rings or play with a puzzle. But mostly he just whines. We have to avoid opening the refrigerator or dishwasher when he is in the kitchen because he has a back-arching temper tantrum unless allowed to plunder through the appliances and pluck out everything. He especially likes the ketchup bottle, spoons, and bottle nipples.
Everyday I say to myself, "OK, today I'm going to interact with him in such a patient, loving way that he won't get bored and whiney." But at about 4:00 p.m. I'm out of ideas and convinced that he must be hurting somewhere since nothing else works to quell his dissatisfaction, and I give him a dose of Tylenol. I don't know what else to do. I am considering getting a second job just to pay for him to be in daycare because I cannot deal with his whining. Is this normal? Him, not me ... I know that I am not normal. Moms out there, please give me some advice!
ION ...
Well, there IS no other news. Happy freakin' Thursday.
At 10:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
It could be worse. You could have had a day like mine.
We started the day by going for T's 15 month check up and shots. With the increased population of our city, it took us more than an hour to drive to the doctors office. Normally, we could make the drive in half that time. T did great at the doctors office only crying a few moments after being stuck by the nurse. What a trooper!
We left the doctor's office and headed to the Super Target for some shopping. Now, I only packed 3 diapers for this outing (2 of which were used in the doctor's office) and luckily had a change of clothes for T in the car just in case! When I got T back to the car after shopping, I picked him up to realize his shorts were soaked. So, I changed T, picked up some lunch and headed home for a much needed nap.
T and I had the house to our selves tonight because Husband T went to help one of his co-workers assess the damage (if any) to his boat along the north shore of Lake Pontchartrain. Husband T got some pictures of the damage to the area and it is unbelievable!
Any way, I cooked spaghetti for dinner. I fixed T's plate, put him in the high chair and went to fix my plate. T is learning to eat with a fork and spoon and does not appreciate my help anymore. Before I got back to the table, T had dumped the entire plate into his lap. Being the sanitary mother that I am, I scooped up the spaghetti out of his lap and placed it back on his plate for him to finish eating dinner.
After T finished, I picked him up and placed him in the kitchen sink to clean him up. I took his clothes off and put him on the floor to play while I finished cleaning his clothes and high chair. I was almost finished when he came running out of my bedroom holding his diaper over his head.
I should have stopped right then, put his diaper back on and got him some clothes. Of course that's not what happened. A couple of minutes later, T is in the middle of the kitchen floor doing his business. Then he starts finger painting with the poop before I can grab him and put him back in the sink. All I can say is thank heaven for tile floors!!
And to finish off the night, while I was mopping the floor, T ran into the kitchen, slipped and hit his head on the tile floor. Don't worry, it hurt his feelings more than it hurt his head.
I hope Friday goes better than our freakin' Thursday did!
At 12:09 AM,
mamabird said…
I love you.
It's 1 am and I'm totally little "part-time projects" haven't been so part-time lately.
I wish I could write something warm or witty or reassuring, but I'm too spent.
All I can say is that you're a great mom and a great friend and a great writer and don't be sad, Kimfriend.
Sorry so lame. ZZzzzz....
At 7:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
All I can say is all children have their good days and bad days.
We have been able to get little MoN to fall asleep by herself, however, she seems to selectively forget how to do that for naptime when the grandparents are in town.
Usually, if I can find no other reason for little MoN's fussiness she also gets a dose of Tylenol, because she is 5 months old and must be teething, right???
Good luck.
At 7:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm certainly not a Mom; heck, I'm not even a Dad yet. (C'mon February!) I've spent enough time with my nieces to know that the miserable times pass, usually in a week or three, and when they're over it's so nice to meet the non-whiney version again. They usually have some wonderful new skills to show off.
I know that doesn't help much on the miserable, tired, will-they-ever-freaking-END? days. But maybe a little?
At 9:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
sorry to hear about your day. all i can say is it doesnt go away. sorry...
Max is almost 6 and still whining. yesterday, in fact, he told me he doesnt like when Grace (who is 3.5) whines. so now i have some fire power next time he starts up i will remind him what he said about whining.
it doesnt get better..but it does get to where you can reason with them. sometimes is works....sometimes you just spank them and put them to bed!
but you know it could be worse... i am sure you get some relief around 5 or 6 pm from your of now my husband has been out of town for 5 weeks - in New Orleans for the past 2 and not sure when he is coming home!
hope you have a better friday and remember bribery works too!!
At 9:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
I also wish there was something positive to be said here, but sorry. The whining is what it is. Just do like I did and try to make it until the next naptime/bedtime without doing something that makes you feel like you need to call DFACS on yourself.
At 10:34 AM,
Carrie said…
I think we're in that weird stage where they can't SAY what they want so they whine. And as parents we're just learning about discipline, so that's another strike against the situation. Parker whines too. I'm sorry it's sucky right now.
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