Consider the Kimpossibilities

A record of my personal flaws: internet addiction, child neglect & endangerment, and bitchiness. p.s. Most of this is LIES and whatever isn't a lie is exaggeration.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Angst Explained & a Story about Pumpkin Barf

Aha! The source of the Kimbalance has revealed itself in the form of a returned menstrual cycle. Is that TMI? Well too bad. The angst and the pizza face and the falling asleep last night at 7:30 p.m. all has a good explanation ... it's the first period I've had since November 2003. We're all so proud.

ION ...

Yesterday we decided it was a good idea to feed The Goose some pumpkin pie and then go swimming. Yeah. On the way home he barfed it all up (mixed with some Yo Baby! vanilla yogurt) into a pool in his car seat. Then, upon entering the park, we discovered that the governor was filming a commercial at the trailhead near our house. Here we are driving by waving ... I'm premenstrual and in a soaked swimsuit with zits and wet, messy hair (and no eye make-up), Husband is also wet and is shirtless in his swimtrunks, and The Goose is covered in pumpkin barf. "Hi Gov! Wanna kiss the baby?"

Today is Start School Day. Now what is the likelihood of me starting my period and The Goose starting school ON THE SAME DAY? This is not looking good. I'm going to go to MY school and sign my contract and then attempt to distract myself in some other productive ways so that I'm not tempted to go check up on him by scaling the brick wall and tiptoeing through the backyard of the school to peep through the windows. Not that I've planned how to do that or anything. I mean, it makes perfect sense for me to take my morning walk through the surrounding neighborhoods and then OOPS where does this trail through the woods lead? --- GASP! --- to the back of a church! And LOOK! It's the same church where Goose is enrolled in preschool! The coincidence is astonishing! What are the odds?!?!


I've been musing lately on luck, good fortune, destiny, providence … call it what you may, and wondering when my streak is going to run out. And even though my wannabe-zen mind knows that I should just enjoy the good parts of life and focus on the present and all of that crap, my inner Anxiety Demon takes over and I start whatiffing. A time of really good luck and happiness can't last forever, right?


That's about all I have now. Happy Hump Day to all.


  • At 10:25 AM, Blogger KayJayPea said…

    Welcome back to the lovely world of PMS, cramps, overpriced feminine products, and all the other fun that comes with being a girl! We've missed you... ;)

    (BTW, Amanda is the one pregnant)

  • At 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    such a hard thing sending your precious kids off to school... 2 weeks ago I walked my son to kindergarten!! video camera in hand..he finally had enough and told me to stop filming him!! but i held stong...didnt shed tear. (but i was a cry baby the 2 days before!!)

    i'm sure your Goose will have an awesome day and not even realize that you are not there! it's amazing how kids adapt!!

    that first period after a baby is such an aggrivation... i'm hoping not to see mine till at least 2007!! did i mention we're working on #3?


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