Consider the Kimpossibilities

A record of my personal flaws: internet addiction, child neglect & endangerment, and bitchiness. p.s. Most of this is LIES and whatever isn't a lie is exaggeration.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

"Subtle Highlights" = "Platinum Streaks" at Lyle's School of Hair Design

In the wake of the hurricane, I'm not sure it is appropriate to write about ridiculous things like the fact that you had someone at Lyle's School of Hair Design give you "subtle highlights" which turned out to be platinum streaks, but there you have it anyway. I should've known this was a bad idea when I arrived and saw the sign on the door, "We are no longer accepting checks because of the high number of returned ones." The clientele was not exactly upscale (me included). And of course all I HAD was a check because, as you know, I lost my wallet and even though I had found the wallet by the time I had the stripes added to my sinaberry, I had cancelled all my cards. And because we don't have a local bank (we only do online banking), it takes a couple days to get a new card in the mail. Now just try to explain all of that to the woman behind the desk who is about 117 years old and not in a friendly mood. Her response: "I don't know nothin' about no internet bank."

But I am a sweet talker and finally after much persuasion, she agreed, stripes were added (and some longish bang-like things) and I emerged from Lyle's feeling like a new woman. I'll post a picture whenever I work up the nerve to look at myself on film. The girl who did my hair is a friend of a friend and needed the hours to get her certificate. At least it was cheap. Actually, I'm being so melodramatic about the whole thing. I know that's REALLY unlike me to be melodramatic, but truthfully, I sorta like the stripes and the bangs. But I don't own one of those $100 straightening irons, so my version of fixing it is WAY different from the stylist's. In fact, I liked her a lot and will likely continue to go back to her since she is DIRT cheap and doesn't try to make awkward small talk.

ION (you know that I have to have at least one bulleted list in all of my posts) ...

  • The Goose's croup is better but there is still lots of snot and he missed school this week.
  • The class reunion is cancelled, as is my entire trip south. My parents and many friends are without power (some are without homes altogether) and so I am again reminded of the simple comforts of my life. If you are in the hurricane-affected area, please write or call so that I know you're OK!
  • I LOVE my classes and the job in general. I have students from all over -- Kurdistan, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Mexico, El Salvador, Russia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Somalia, Bangladesh, and more. They're everything that you want your students to be: eager, polite, respectful, etc. I don't know how I got so lucky.

That's about it for now. More mindlessness to come, don't worry.


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