Consider the Kimpossibilities

A record of my personal flaws: internet addiction, child neglect & endangerment, and bitchiness. p.s. Most of this is LIES and whatever isn't a lie is exaggeration.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Four Years of Husband Eating

Well I thought I'd just post and at least say that I made it through the parental visit just fine. I'm working on a long version of the weekend which details our conversations about Chinese Buffet, Bondini superglue, and how much I could make if I sold the hand-crank ice cream maker we found in the garage (about $140 by the way). They brought deer sausage and frozen biscuits and cake and they should've brought me some bigger bluejeans.

I got a massage today by a too-tanned boy with spiky hair and an earring. It was fabulous though and he covered up my eyes with something delightful so I didn't have to look at his nose hair while he worked the kinks outta my neck. I have an awful shoulder injury but the main reason for the massage was that today is our 4-year anniversary. I gave Husband a new bottle of expensive whiskey but he hasn't opened it yet, so I haven't been able to sneak any.

Besides the shoulder problem, I have started sleeping as much as the baby at night -- crashing at 8:30 p.m. and getting up around 7:00 a.m. I like to say that I've been bitten by a bed bug or that I've acquired a bed bug and then laugh maniacally. Other than entertaining myself by being ridiculous, I'm trying to alternate coffee days with green tea days because I saw a man on Oprah who swears you can lose seven pounds in three months just by making the green tea switch and eating blueberries, which I already do excessively.

Hmmmm ... what other news is there ... Oh yes, the sin-a-berry is almost gone outta my hair but the humidity is killing me. I look like an older version of Curly Sue. The chickens are doing well and have started begging for table scraps at the back door. Today they ate an entire bag of potato chips (sorry Mamabird, we were trying to clean out the fridge), some leftover green beans, and a pretty big chunk of a veggie patty. We hung some Christmas lights on their coop just for funsies but then decided that that was taking the PWT thing a little too far.

That's about all folks. I'll leave you with some interesting things I've thought about this week:

Rap Lyric of the Week

Lookout for my diamonds
They're gettin' kinda reckless
I feel like I got a midget
Hanging off my necklace.

*NOTE: I have become quite interested in rap lyrics of late after our discovery that only R&B or rap soothes The Goose to sleep in the car.

Conversation Excerpt of the Week
(from many years ago when I still lived with my parents)

Me: I want a polar bear. (after watching that Coke commercial)

My mom: OK, we'll get you one for Easter this year along with a chicken and a blue duck. (see ... I always wanted a chicken)

My dad: Whad she say?

My mom: She said that she wanted a polar bear, and I told her she would likely get one this year for Easter, along with a chicken and a blue duck.

My dad: Well if I cain't have no dog out back, then she ain't gettin' no damn bear.


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