Consider the Kimpossibilities

A record of my personal flaws: internet addiction, child neglect & endangerment, and bitchiness. p.s. Most of this is LIES and whatever isn't a lie is exaggeration.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Sin-a-berry ...

... Is the new color of my hair. It's supposed to be "cinnaberry" (like I'm kissed by cinnamon and berries), but it turns out that the folks over at Natural Instincts are big liars. So I prefer the name sin-a-berry since it should be a sin to do this to your own hair. That in addition to my double application of Almay self face tanner has got me looking like Tammy Faye Baker dipped in melted red hots.

Additionally, my shower curtain, bedroom carpet, and several towels can now be referred to as pokidot cinnaberry (it's a good thing my child was asleep or we may have had cinnababy). And it was all an attempt to cover up the three gray hairs that keep popping up in the middle of my scalp.

I'm sinking deeper people ... the P.W.T. quicksand is sucking me up.

Yesterday I blew up the swimming pool that I expect will be a source of much entertainment for me and the prize baby (and possibly the husband -- chickachickabowbow) and then promptly had to retreat into the house because of wasp invasion. I did take the baby with me though, which is good since the side of the blow-up pool has a picture with a woman and a baby and a dotted line connecting the woman's eyes to the child. I think that means that you're not supposed to leave babies out there in the pool while you go inside to entertain yourself by posting more ridiculous entries on your blog. Uh-oh, then I better go.


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