Chapter 1: The Missing

This just in ...
Name: Ophelia Butts
DOB: October 13, 1990
Height: 1'2"
Weight: 11.7 lbs.
Feathers: brown with white bars
Eyes: brown
Last seen: Monday, May 2, 2005
Distinguishing Features: capable of rotating neck 350 degrees in either direction; covered in mites that will fly off and attack prize babies and their mamas; one hurt wing
Details of events surrounding the disappearance: Several days ago, the rangers of a certain state natural area in middle Tennessee found Ophelia's cage open during a routine feeding. Strangely enough, there were no stray feathers in the area and none of the other owls had heard or seen anthing.
Known Suspects:
(1) Ann Uno
Relation to the missing: former ranger at the natural area where Ophelia was in captivity. Had key to cage.
Motive: Very attached to Ophelia--"She's like a long lost cousin." While employed with the natural area, Ann Uno was in the habit of taking Ophelia to minor league baseball games, "for the kids." Additionally, Ann Uno has vendetta against park manager, who had her moved to state office building downtown after an altercation over no-kill mouse traps.
(2) The Chi Omega Chapter of Vanderbilt University
Relation to the missing: Chi Omega pledges were introduced to Ophelia several weeks ago when they came to the natural area to do their required "environmental project."
Motive: The owl is the state bird of Chi Omega (Duh. Everyone knows that.)
(3) Randy the Raccoon
Relation to the missing: known opener of cages and predator of hurt owls
Motive: Vendetta against manager of natural area because of incident involving Richard the Raccoon (Randy's brother) ... incident involved manager firing four shots into Richard ("to put him out of his misery") after an unfortunate fall from a tree.
If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Ophelia Butts the Owl, please contact the #1 P.W.T. Detective Agency.
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