Freak Zapper
You know those tennis-racket-like things that zap bugs? I've decided that I may need one for freaks since I seem to attract them. I guess when you're weird (or charmingly quirky, as I like to call myself) you can't really expect not to exert a pull on other weirdos. But I can do this without even leaving the house for crying out loud.
Yesterday I wrote about the mental patient I met in Michael's. Well today I met someone (through email) who topped her. I have been sending out my resume to various places around town looking for part-time teaching and have finally gotten in touch with one particular non-profit whose director and I were emailing back and forth trying to set up an interview time. In his last email, where he confirmed the time and day, he put a post script that said this:
"I'm hoping to have time today to get the hay bailed and maybe even get in a game of tennis if I'm lucky."
Is it me, or is that just a titch off topic?
Then, earlier today I found myself inadvertently doing a little more undercover work for the #1 P.W.T. Detective Agency simply by taking a walk (again, the freaks were just drawn to me). I did some interviews and uncovered a few more clues in the narrative of the Missing Owl, the details of which are forthcoming. I have a lot of forthcoming stuff by the way. So you have a lot to look forward to. But just to give you a taste, the next chapter in the story includes a psychic Sunday School teacher and the manager of a minor-league baseball team -- you guessed it -- they're both freaks.
Who has a Wal-Mart upper-management connection? I'm thinking the freak zapper could be a big seller there.
I'll leave you with a recent photo of me and my goose. He's scrump-dilly.
Yesterday I wrote about the mental patient I met in Michael's. Well today I met someone (through email) who topped her. I have been sending out my resume to various places around town looking for part-time teaching and have finally gotten in touch with one particular non-profit whose director and I were emailing back and forth trying to set up an interview time. In his last email, where he confirmed the time and day, he put a post script that said this:
"I'm hoping to have time today to get the hay bailed and maybe even get in a game of tennis if I'm lucky."
Is it me, or is that just a titch off topic?
Then, earlier today I found myself inadvertently doing a little more undercover work for the #1 P.W.T. Detective Agency simply by taking a walk (again, the freaks were just drawn to me). I did some interviews and uncovered a few more clues in the narrative of the Missing Owl, the details of which are forthcoming. I have a lot of forthcoming stuff by the way. So you have a lot to look forward to. But just to give you a taste, the next chapter in the story includes a psychic Sunday School teacher and the manager of a minor-league baseball team -- you guessed it -- they're both freaks.
Who has a Wal-Mart upper-management connection? I'm thinking the freak zapper could be a big seller there.
I'll leave you with a recent photo of me and my goose. He's scrump-dilly.

At 9:47 PM,
mamabird said…
You guys are a gorgeous pair.
Is "get the hay bailed" a euphemism of some sort?
Love this stuff. I figured out how to get Atom/RSS feeds that appear at the top of my email inbox, so it alerts me when there's a new post on this and other blogs...which is great! So now I won't be left wondering.
I'm so glad you guys are back from your trip -- thanks for writing.
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