Let Me See Your Cock-a-Roach!
What's that you say?
I said "Let me see your cockaroach!"
What's that you say?
I said, "ooh, aahh, aahh, aahh, oohh, aahh, aahh, aahh, ooh."
Ok, if you knew exactly how to chant that then you MUST leave a comment admitting this because it's now my theme song.
Thanks to my mother-in-law (a.k.a. The Queen Mum Janeious), we just received an Ultimate Advanced Technology Pest Repeller (ultrasonic, electro-vibrawave, ionic, night light with AC pass-through) to deter critters from setting up residence in our household. It emits digitally processed intermittent vibrating magnetic waves designed to travel through the wiring deep into the walls where pests nest and breed. The directions say that it is designed to make the pests uncomfortable and drive them out. They also explain that the ultrasonic pest control device "Delivers a powerful high pressure sound unheard by Humans and Pets" (I'm using their exact capitalization by the way) "yet frighteningly loud to pests. Comparable to a loud siren or a home security alarm The Sounds are designed to safely and silently drive them out."
I put it in my kitchen and I couldn't even stay in there because my ears were ringing and then me and a millipede nearly crashed into a wall trying to escape and now I have a headache.
Does that mean I'm a pest? A cockaroach? A spider who may eat her mate? Or does that mean that my brain is like deep wiring where pests nest and breed?
Aside of the Week:
My mom has a friend named Betty (not her real first name) Aycock Roach (that is her real maiden and surname -- sorry Betty -- because if I changed them these reader people would miss the point). Ok, now read it again:
Betty Aycock Roach.
This should've been the impetus for the keeping-your-last-name movement in my hometown, but sadly it wasn't, and now we also have a Holly Wood.
Annoyance of the Week (totally unrelated to this entry):
Whenever you go to publish a post, there's a message from the Blogger team that pops up and has a comma error. It says, "This may take a minute, if you have a large blog." Hello? The part that follows the comma is a subordinate clause and those are only separated by a comma when in initial position.
Quote of the Week (also unrelated to this post unless you can count my mama's cat -- or my dad -- as a pest):
"Darlin', I want you to pray for my friend Bill. He's in the hospital undergoin' open heart surgery and I done already told him that he was in the hands of the almighty surgeon ... uh-oh, here comes your mama's cat wantin' to be let out .. but I know he shore would 'preciate it if you'd say a prayer or either send him one of them cards you make with the stickers ... that damn cat is still cryin' to be let out." ~My Daddy
PWT Purchase of the Week:
Impression of Angel Parfum
$1.99 Walgreens
I said "Let me see your cockaroach!"
What's that you say?
I said, "ooh, aahh, aahh, aahh, oohh, aahh, aahh, aahh, ooh."
Ok, if you knew exactly how to chant that then you MUST leave a comment admitting this because it's now my theme song.
Thanks to my mother-in-law (a.k.a. The Queen Mum Janeious), we just received an Ultimate Advanced Technology Pest Repeller (ultrasonic, electro-vibrawave, ionic, night light with AC pass-through) to deter critters from setting up residence in our household. It emits digitally processed intermittent vibrating magnetic waves designed to travel through the wiring deep into the walls where pests nest and breed. The directions say that it is designed to make the pests uncomfortable and drive them out. They also explain that the ultrasonic pest control device "Delivers a powerful high pressure sound unheard by Humans and Pets" (I'm using their exact capitalization by the way) "yet frighteningly loud to pests. Comparable to a loud siren or a home security alarm The Sounds are designed to safely and silently drive them out."
I put it in my kitchen and I couldn't even stay in there because my ears were ringing and then me and a millipede nearly crashed into a wall trying to escape and now I have a headache.
Does that mean I'm a pest? A cockaroach? A spider who may eat her mate? Or does that mean that my brain is like deep wiring where pests nest and breed?
Aside of the Week:
My mom has a friend named Betty (not her real first name) Aycock Roach (that is her real maiden and surname -- sorry Betty -- because if I changed them these reader people would miss the point). Ok, now read it again:
Betty Aycock Roach.
This should've been the impetus for the keeping-your-last-name movement in my hometown, but sadly it wasn't, and now we also have a Holly Wood.
Annoyance of the Week (totally unrelated to this entry):
Whenever you go to publish a post, there's a message from the Blogger team that pops up and has a comma error. It says, "This may take a minute, if you have a large blog." Hello? The part that follows the comma is a subordinate clause and those are only separated by a comma when in initial position.
Quote of the Week (also unrelated to this post unless you can count my mama's cat -- or my dad -- as a pest):
"Darlin', I want you to pray for my friend Bill. He's in the hospital undergoin' open heart surgery and I done already told him that he was in the hands of the almighty surgeon ... uh-oh, here comes your mama's cat wantin' to be let out .. but I know he shore would 'preciate it if you'd say a prayer or either send him one of them cards you make with the stickers ... that damn cat is still cryin' to be let out." ~My Daddy
PWT Purchase of the Week:
Impression of Angel Parfum
$1.99 Walgreens
At 8:31 AM,
mamabird said…
Ha ha ha!!!! Soo funny!
I don't know that cock-a-roach song, sorry, but the story about Betty Aycock Roach is...priceless.
Your comma-error-locating tactics are a little freaky. I'm going to be self-conscious about my commas in all of my future emails to you. Could another one of your alter-egos be Comma-Error Detective? P.W.T."C".P.I.?? Email me and let me know, if you're interested in that title. (HA! I bet you caught that error, you little scamp.)
BTW, how do I get one of those cards you make with the stickers??? Those sound nice.
Thanks, as always, for writing. I'll post another comment soon, if I have time.
HA! I know you caught it! You're that good.
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