Consider the Kimpossibilities

A record of my personal flaws: internet addiction, child neglect & endangerment, and bitchiness. p.s. Most of this is LIES and whatever isn't a lie is exaggeration.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Eye makeup, turtles, and lawsuits

Today was a bad day. It rained and there was nothing to do but go to Walgreens where lord help us all they had eye make-up on sale for buy one get one free. Now I own Almay's complete line of make-up for various eye colors (except blue, because I can never pull off blue eye makeup unless I'm wearing my 70s dress).

Several weeks ago I bought the brown eyes version. Then today I bought the green eyes version because sometimes my eyes look a little green so I thought all I really need is just a titch of help to really bring out the color. Then because I bought the green I got the hazel for free. It's really just too bad that I never even wear eye makeup because I never go out anymore. But we do have a sitter for this weekend and she is brilliant and will likely go to Harvard after her senior year and I'm sure this will have a profound effect on The Goose. Speaking of ... if you're interested, you can see some recent pictures of him on his blog: Goose Bumps.

A turtle came into our yard today and snooped around to see if it was good enough for egg laying (verdict: negative). A turkey had already done this a couple weeks back. We try to prevent them from using our yard, but it's not always possible considering the fact that we are surrounded by 1,100 acres of natural area. One day Husband found a TINY tiny tiny baby turtle headed toward our screen door. He tried to save the turtleroni by pointing him toward the lake, but I'm sure he ended up as raccoon food. Only 30% of baby turtles hatch, and then a huge number of those don't make it for very long. On my walk today I noticed a huge nest of eggs that had been dug up and pilfered. The eggs are have leathery shells by the way, and you should always wash your hands after handling them, instead of letting your prize baby bite on your finger because he won't stop whining in the stroller. Why am I writing about turtles?

Tomorrow I am filing the complaint about the demolished breast pump and then the court date will be set for one month from the time it's filed. The clerk at the court said, "You know that this airline is going to have an attorney, right?" I just replied, "Yes, I know. I'm brave." What in the world am I going to do if I actually have to go to court and attempt to be articulate? If I have to get a sitter for that then I'm going to increase my asking price.

If you're still reading then pat yourself on the back because this one was not only boooooooooooring but likely incomprehensible. Yes I do teach writing. But, as our most recent house guest told me, my students are all "foreigners" so who really cares?


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