Consider the Kimpossibilities

A record of my personal flaws: internet addiction, child neglect & endangerment, and bitchiness. p.s. Most of this is LIES and whatever isn't a lie is exaggeration.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

White (& Black) Trash

Ebony & Ivory
Originally uploaded by Kimpossible, HEM, PWTPI.
Tuesdays are our Saturdays ... Husband and I are both off. Yesterday was an especially fun day because we scheduled a playdate with The Goose's best bud, Little Ricky. It was unbearably hot, so we blew up the pool and popped a top. They both drank a whole lot of hose water, ate some grass, and attempted to pull each other's hair. The picture above is what husband calls "Charlie's Angels: The Ebony & Ivory."

Here is what we were doing while they played (note: we are in the pool with them in the backyard -- the chickens were pecking the ground all around us -- in other words, the only thing missing from this picture is a dishwasher out in the yard with us):

Ebony & Ivory

You know that Garth Brook’s song, “Shameless”? Well if that was about trashiness rather than some love interest of his, then he could’ve made the video in our backyard yesterday.

In other news, I am still teaching on Monday & Wednesday nights and loving it. Last Monday night was a Peer Editing Session (where they all brought essay drafts and we devoted the entire class to workshopping with the essays). One of my students had written an essay about school uniforms and had used the word “panties” for “pants” in every single instance of that word in her essay (which was a lot, given the topic). I know you’re not supposed to laugh at your students, but I just couldn’t help this one. We all just had to stop the editing session and talk about vocabulary for a while. All the words for underwear were discussed, including, but not limited to the following: briefs, boxers, tighty whities, bras, thongs, granny panties, skivvies (sp?), step-ins (that’s Pappaw’s word for underwear), long johns, weenie bikinis, and wife-beaters. Then I left the classroom and realized that, after writing all of this on the board, I had forgotten to erase it before I left. Lovely way to impress your supervisor. Tonight’s Lesson: Genitalia.


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