I've had it. This is the 3rd time I've had to post this because BLOGGER keeps logging me out. I'm about to do something rash like SWITCH TO TYPEPAD OR OR OR SOMETHING.
For numbers 1-70, see previous two posts. I may combine them at some point, but tonight I'm too lazy. I have to list the previous numbers in order to utilize the "numbered list" option. It's not possible to select a "start with" number, as far as I can tell. If you know how to do this in BLOGGER, please let me know. I love numbered lists, so I hit enter and the space bar 70 times in order to keep the list going. That is neurotic, but this is my blog and dammit, I can do whatever the hell I want with it.
For numbers 1-70, see previous two posts. I may combine them at some point, but tonight I'm too lazy. I have to list the previous numbers in order to utilize the "numbered list" option. It's not possible to select a "start with" number, as far as I can tell. If you know how to do this in BLOGGER, please let me know. I love numbered lists, so I hit enter and the space bar 70 times in order to keep the list going. That is neurotic, but this is my blog and dammit, I can do whatever the hell I want with it.
- I like Lauryn Hill. She's playing on my CD player right now -- The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill.
- When you put lime in Corona Light, it's almost like being on the beach in Mexico. Almost. Except really you're at home in your living room surrounded by abandoned toys and a baby monitor screeching out the white noise of a HEPA air filter.
- I love HEPA air filters ... but only with the "ionizer" button turned OFF. When that button is on, then that thing is basically putting out ozone, people ... we had a mold guy out here today and he immediately walked in and said, "I smell mold and ozone -- where's the ozone coming from?" It was the ionizer from the air filter. I thought maybe it was the Ultimate Advanced Technology Pest Repeller (ultrasonic, electro-vibrawave, ionic, night light with AC pass-through), but alas, that's only soundwaves, not "oxygen on steroids" as the mold guy said. Scary stuff. His advice was ultimately that we should build a unit in which to let The Goose sleep. The Bubble Boy? I don't think so.
- I now believe in "energy work." Remember that crazy "I do energy work" woman? Well ... let me tell you ... she has reappeared in a big way. I was casually talking to one of Husband's co-workers, the receptionist at the Visitor Center, and she said, "Oh, my friend Lisa told me that she met you." I said, "Oh. Really? Well." Then she said, "Yeah, she said that you told her The Goose was sick but that he really wasn't and that she doesn't know why you would've said that." Yeah. Now, I believe.
- I like Georgia O'Keefe, but not just because she and I were both Kappa Deltas.
- I also like art from the pre-Raphaelite period (painting and poetry, specifically) . If you know offhand what that is, then email me, because I like dorks. We should plan a playdate so my kid and your kid can put inappropriate things in their mouths while we guzzle wine and discuss "The Lady of Shallott." I'm not sure if that's how you spell "Shalott" ... "Shalotte?" I'm pretty sure it has two Ts. Do tell.
- I am terrified of the ocean.
- I'm starting to get grossed out by the chickens. One of them has had poop stuck on her butt for 2.5 weeks. Also, that frog-eating episode ... gross. So much for vegetarian-fed hens.
- I vaccuum my baseboards. I used to clean them with a toothbrush, but c'mon, that's a little much.
- I'm not a clean freak ... really.
- I'm not in denial, really.
- I finally started my period for real! YAY! No more babies for now.
- For our 5th anniversary (2006), we are going to Alaska. I have wanted to go to Alaska since the 4th grade, where my teacher Mrs. Liddell (who used to say, "gosh lee") went on her honeymoon, the summer before 4th grade started. I vomited outside the 4th grade classroom on the first day of school, but when I came back in, there was a slide show playing of a moose in Alaska.
- For my 30th birthday in 2007, I want to spend a weekend at a yoga retreat out West.
- For Husband's 40th birthday in 2012, we are going to Wales, where his maternal family is from.
- For my 40th birthday in 2017, I want to go back to Portugal.
- I like to plan way in advance.
- I don't want Pappaw to die, but the other day he asked my mom when I was coming home, and after she said, "Not 'til Thanksgiving," he said, "Well then, I reckon I'll see her in heaven."
- I want to buy a plant nursery when I retire and spend my days advising people about which flowers to plant in shade and which to plant in full sun.
- I am annoyed at this certain Mississippi artist named Gail Eastland because I once purchased one of her oild paintings for $92 from a gift shop in Oxford, Mississippi (during the time that I was a public school teacher in Mississippi, at which time they were 49th in the nation for teacher pay). The painting is of six little black angels in white gowns. Around the edges of the canvas are the words to "You are My Sunshine." HOWEVER, the last line says, "You make me happy when skies are blue." THIS IS WRONG! You don't need someone to make you happy when skies are blue! You need someone to "make you happy when skies are GRAY ... so please don't take my sunshine AWAY." Duh. I cannot believe I purchased this painting with such a glaring lyrical error. Husband had to put the painting in a remote area of the house because everytime I go near it, I get irate. $92!!!
- I am in awe of this certain Mississippi artist named Walter Anderson, who once tied himself to a tree during a hurricane. I once spent a night camping on Horn Island (where the aforementioned tree-tying incident occurred). We took our friend Deslonde's daddy's boat out there during a storm and camped and Husband and I were in a huge fight and as a result, we didn't realize that Frenchy and Deslonde's tent had leaked. We didn't even help them. Now I am mortified at our manners, but at the time, I was too mad to notice anything except my own anger. On the land side of that island (is there a more scientific name for "land side" of an island?), I wasn't scared of the ocean, because it was calm and clear. I don't own any original art by Walter Anderson, but I do have a few prints and a mouse pad.
- One time I guessed how many jelly beans were in a jar and I won a contest. Another time I won a home security system.
- A girl I used to know got stabbed to death by a serial killer in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 2002. I think about her everytime I pick up a knife.
- I like to drink freshly ground coffee. Especially if it's medium-roast, shade-grown, organic, and free-trade certified.
- I never start the day without fiber or protein. It gets my heart rate up too high. You should always pair a sugary food with some protein or fiber.
- Boiled eggs are an excellent source of protein.
- The best way to get a perfect boiled egg is either the 7-7-7 rule (7 minutes boiling, 7 minutes setting, 7 minutes in the fridge) or the boil-and-set-21 rule (bring to a boil, remove from heat, cover and let set for 21 minutes). But remember that you can't boil a freshly laid egg because you won't be able to peel it if it's too fresh. It needs to set in the fridge for a few weeks before it's OK to boil it. And p.s., brown eggs come from dark chickens and white eggs come from white chickens. There's not nutritional difference between the two. And p.p.s., chickens are disgusting.
- I crave salt a lot.
- I like to listen to Car Talk on NPR on Saturday mornings because whenever someone calls in, they always ask how the caller's name is spelled.
- And now all of this and look at that "100" ... it doesn't even have a "one," just two zeros. What's up with that? That is the third SUPER annoying thing about BLOGGER if you ask me ... BESIDES the "let's log out Kimpossible when she's trying to publish" problem, they have that GLARING grammatical error on the "publishing post in progress" page (it says, "This may take a few minutes, if you have a large blog" -- clearly, the "if" subordinate clause cannot be separated by a comma if it's in FINAL position (only if in intial position) and now THIS. I cannot believe I have come so far only to be let down by the "numbered list" option. And I have been so loyal, so devoted to the lists and to bullets and throughout my life ... in other programs, in notes, in my dayplanners. This is too much.
At 8:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't remember you puking outside our 4th grade classroom, but I do remember the Alaska slides and have always wanted to go there too!
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