28 - 70
The rest ...
- For #s 1-28, see previous post. I had to do actually list all of these numbers in order to use the "numbering" option, which was a must.
- I think I have found a church that I like (finally). They have a gigantic organ and a good choir and they hold lectures in conjunction with the Vanderbilt Divinity program. Yahoo.
- I am never constipated.
- I had a baby without an epidural or pain medication.
- I will never do that again.
- I breastfed a baby through cracked nipples, under-average weight gain, and two bouts of mastitis.
- I will never do that again.
- This morning I bought a book called Why Do Men Have Nipples? I've already read half of it and it's only 2:21 p.m.
- I like reading. My favorite author is Barbara Kingsolver and then behind her are Eudora Welty and Ellen Gilchrist.
- I have to stop everything when the baby wakes up from his nap.
- I wanted to be a landscape architect but I didn't want to go to school for three years to be one. Really, I just wanted to plant flowers and you can do that without three years at LSU.
- My life changed when I studied abroad in Spain. My dad thinks this is a bad thing.
- When I get upset or anxious, I read the Tao Te Ching as translated by Stephen Mitchell.
- When my back hurts, I do yoga.
- When I'm angry, I hike up hills, ridges, mountains. The biggest one I ever climbed was 12,000 feet.
- When I'm happy enough to act happy, it's usually because I've had a lot of coffee or alcohol.
- When I've had a lot of coffee, my gums tingle.
- When I've had a lot of alcohol, I start confessing my love to people. Look out. I also tend to ask the band if I can come onstage with them and sing backup with a tambourine. I have found that if you wear enough red lipstick and the band has a tambourine, then they will almost always let you get up there with them.
- I was adopted. I don't know any of my biological family. The Goose is the only blood relative that I know.
- I do not want to find my biological family because my life is just fine as is, thank you very much. I do not want to open a can of worms.
- When I was little, I had an imaginary friend named Beebobba who wore plaid pants and no shirt.
- When I was little, I made clothes for rocks and pretended like my Barbies were doing it.
- When I was little, I thought the way to get a baby was to pray for one. Once I accidentally prayed for a baby and thought I was pregnant for a week. I finally broke down and confessed this to my Sunday School teacher. Later that week my mom came home with a book called Where Do Babies Come From?
- When I was 13, I moved into my closet with nothing but a jambox, some Reba McEntire tapes, a case of my mom's old make-up and a mirror. I slept on the floor in a Barbie sleeping bag.
- I am obsessed with spelling and grammar. I was in a fund-raiser spelling bee while I was pregnant and we came in 2nd place. The only reason we won is because my two teammates were Ph.D. students in applied linguistics. A bunch of ER doctors beat us on the word "graphorrhea". Our theme was 70s and this is what I looked like, pregnant and all:
From right to left, it's Camilla (now a professor in Florida), Jim (not sure what happened to Jim, but during a practice session, he told me that pregnant people grossed him out ... I can't believe he let me touch his arm), and me (about four months pregnant).
- My favorite singer/songwriter is Patty Griffin. NOT Patty Griffith. Patty Griffin.
- I really don't like live music all that much. You can always tell when they're a tad under pitch and I cannot bear anything that is a tad under pitch.
- I do not have perfect pitch.
- I took 14 years of piano lessons, got a minor in piano performance, and then I taught high school music for two years. I haven't really played since I quit that job.
- I hated my job teaching high school music. I wanted to make a difference in those kids lives but I just couldn't deal with how different I was from them. And how much the same. And how we came from the same state but had such different realities.
- I grew up believing that people who drank were going to hell.
- I drink a lot now.
- I could never get the hang of smoking even though I tried in college. Catherine would always coach me: "Breathe in and then say 'Mom's coming!' and then blow out." I didn't work. I always had a coughing fit.
- I like going to psychotherapists. I would go all the time if it were free.
- I like people watching. If there are interesting people around, then my child is not safe, because I get so caught up in watching them that I forget to watch him.
- In graduate school, I worked for an environmental clean-up company. I investigated buildings for lead paint, mold, and asbestos and then typed up reports about the contaminants. I learned a lot at this job. Like, for instance, you don't want to go anywhere near asbestos because of what it can do to your lungs over time and you can clean up mold best by applying a 10% bleach solution. Any more than 10% bleach causes an imbalance in PH and can cause the mold to grow back more viciously.
- I am obsessed with organic food and products. I am not a germaphobe, but I do believe that chemicals are the cause of most cancers and many other physical ailments (although we don't have proof yet). My most recent knowledge on this topic was finding out which synthetic ingredients are the worst: phthalates, parabens, and petrolatum. If you do research on these products then you will want to avoid them like the plague. I'm sure you have more products WITH these ingredients than without these things.
- I am also obsessed with this bird flu pandemic that is possible. Yesterday I took The Goose to a park and he went wild over the ducks. When we got home, I told Husband about this reaction. Husband's reply: "Kim! You know that ducks are the worst spreaders of disease. Do you know why? It's because when chickens get diseased, they die; when ducks get diseased, they live on and spread it." Like mother like son, but don't tell either of them that I said that.
- Autumn is my favorite season.
- I like striped socks.
- One time we lived next door to Walter Mondale.
- One time we lived next door to a chanting Buddhist woman who ended up being the best yoga teacher I've ever had. Even better than Rodney "hot cheeks" Yee.
- The aforementioned yoga teacher taught me a very important life principle: The universe is perfect, just the way it is.
- The baby just woke up.
At 9:21 PM,
Piece of Work said…
I love Ellen Gilchrist. We had to read Drunk with Love in college and then after school I picked up I cannot get you close enough because I loved the title, and that was it. Sometimes I get tired of all her same old characters. Sometimes I don't.
What a great list! I tried for natural childbirth but after 28 hours of hellacious back labor I gave in. My daughter was a scheduled c-section (breech) which sucked WAY WORSE than back labor.
Can't wait to hear the rest!
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